
A Saharawi human rights activists who has received several Norwegian delegations to occupied Western Sahara was severely injured from police beatings in Smara Friday night.

Published 20 April 2015
"Western Sahara must now have its independence", stated the congress of the Norwegian Labour Party today.
Published 17 April 2015
Moroccan police expelled before the week-end a Norwegian delegation who had travelled to Western Sahara to discuss with the Saharawi people the situation of Morocco's illegal oil industry in the territory.
Published 28 March 2015

The Norwegian Minister for Foreign Affairs this week discussed the mandate of the UN mission in Western Sahara with the French Minister of Foreign Affairs. It is France which every year prevents the UN force in the territory to monitor human rights.

Published 19 March 2015

Here are the Norwegian groups expelled from Western Sahara and southern Morocco in 2014.

Published 04 December 2014

Saharawis and Norwegians gathered last night in front of the offices of SeaBird in Oslo to protest against the company's oil exploration in occupied Western Sahara on behalf of Glencore and the Moroccan government.

Published 19 December 2014

A cross-party Group of Friends for Western Sahara was established today, first time ever, in the Norwegian Parliament. The group's goal is to contribute to defend the right to self-determination for the people of Western Sahara.

Published 18 December 2014
The Rafto Foundation for Human Rights is being followed by Moroccan police. On their hotel's own surveillance system, the Rafto delegation could see how the police followed them.
Published 11 December 2014

A delegation from the Rafto Fundation for Human Rights is now being escorted out of the Western Sahara capital city El Aaiun by Moroccan police. The group entered the occupied territories yesterday, and discussed the Norwegian seismic company SeaBird with local human rights activists.

Published 10 December 2014
The Norwegian seismi survey company SeaBird is currently shooting 2D images of the seabed in the El Aaiun-Tarfaya basis offshore occupied Western Sahara.
Published 08 December 2014
The Norwegian investor KLP has sold all its shares in Agrium for its imports of phosphate rock from occupied territory.
Published 01 December 2014

A UN study completed this year investigated the nutritional status in the Western Sahara refugee camps in Algeria. The study found that 7,6 percent of children are acutely malnourished, 16,7 percent are underweight, and 25.2 suffer from stunting. [Updated article]

Published 24 November 2013

A demonstration against the Scottish company Cairn Energy took place yesterday in front of its offices in Stavanger, Norway.

Published 06 November 2014

Every month, we receive new videos of Moroccan police throwing stones in occupied Western Sahara. This one is from last night. 

Published 01 July 2014

With the Saharawi flag over his head, Salah Amaidan came in third at the 10 kilometer run in Tromsø yesterday.

Published 22 June 2014

Most of the oil arriving the occupied territories of Western Sahara arrive on board Norwegian flagged vessel, new report reveals. Swedish and Norwegian national news have covered the topic this weekend.

Published 22 June 2014

WSRW has published a complete report listing all the clients, volumes, values and shipments relating to Morocco's exports of phosphate rock from occupied territory.

Published 20 June 2014

On Monday May 12th the Icelandic Parliament passed a resolution in support of the people of Western Sahara's right for self-determination.

Published 13 May 2014

The oil rig that this autumn will destroy the future of the Sahrawi population is not just equipped with components made by Norwegian company Aker Solutions. The rig is filled to the brim with equipment from National Oilwell Varco's Norwegian plants - at a threefold greater value.

Published 12 May 2014
In total seven Norwegian citizens were today kicked out of occupied Western Sahara. The group travelled there to interview Saharawis regarding the plans of Kosmos Energy to carry out oil exploration in violation of the wishes of the people of the territory.
Published 05 May 2014

The Chairwoman of the Norwegian Support Committee for Western Sahara, and her Polish travel companion were expelled from South Morocco Friday evening.

Published 02 May 2014
Today, April 19, two students from the U.S. and UK have been detained at a checkpoint in El Aaiun.
Published 19 April 2014

On their way to visit the family of late Said Dambar tonight, a Norwegian group was told by police that they were not allowed to leave the hotel.

Published 17 April 2014
A large group of Nordic organizations sent a letter to the United Nations Security Council yesterday asking for the UN operation in Western Sahara to monitor the human rights situation in the territory. Among the signatories are all Norwegian youth parties.
Published 11 April 2014
The meeting of the Nordic Youth Council in Reykjavik 6 April 2014 demanded from the Nordic governments to take a joint initiative for Human Rights in the UN operation in Western Sahara. Particularly, they urge the Nordic governments to put pressure on Paris.
Published 09 April 2014
Four Saharawi activists were arrested Tuesday. «They have been living under constant surveillance by the Morrocan police» said Nina Bakke, who met two of them last December.
Published 16 February 2014

The Saharawi activist Leila Leili was on 10 February pulled by her hair by Moroccan police when she was demonstrating for the UN to report on human rights violations.

Published 14 February 2014

Norwegian Refugee Council has launched the report "Occupied Country, displaced people" on the conflict in Western Sahara.

Published 24 January 2014

More than a hundred persons are said to have been injured in Western Sahara's capital, observing the UN Human Rights day and frustrated over EU's new illegal fisheries agreement with Morocco in their waters. Videos keep coming in. See series.

Published 12 December 2013

The EU parliament today decided to continue the illegal EU fisheries practices in occupied Western Sahara. 2 hours later, Saharawis took to the streets. Several injured. 

Published 10 December 2013
Sahrawi human rights activist Elghalia Djimi and former Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Western Sahara Francesco Bastagli were among the guests at oil seminars in Oslo and Stavanger last week.
Published 21 November 2013

EU is about to enter into a new fishing agreement with Morocco, which is contrary to international law because Western Sahara is not excluded. The Norwegian Union of Social Educators and Social Workers (FO) students' congress this weekend requested Norwegian politicians to talk some sense into the EU parliamentarians.

Published 20 November 2013

Ali Salem Tamek, a well known Saharawi human rights defender, was about to leave for Europe to undergo surgery, when the Moroccan police came to arrest his wife on false charges.

Published 14 November 2013
The journalist Fredrik Laurin (left) came to Norway last week to talk about his new book about the resource theft in Western Sahara. - When people hear where the fish or tomatoes are from, they don't want it! he says.
Published 06 November 2013
Salma and Jadietu are touring Norway to talk about the situation in Western Sahara.
Published 06 November 2013

The Norwegian Support Committee for Western Sahara is 20 years old this week.

Published 06 November 2013

A number of videos from the occupied territories have during the last few days been published Youtube.

Published 20 October 2013

On October 14th The Icelandic Association for Western Sahara was formally founded.

Published 17 October 2013

The company Total is carrying out oil exploration in the Sahara and was this year present on “Career Day” at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim. Changemaker, SAIH and The Norwegian Support Committee for Western Sahara are now criticizing NTNU for lack of ethical guidelines.

Published 01 October 2013

Salah 'The Runner' Amaidane came in at second place at Oslo Marathon, 10K, 21 Sept 2013. 


Published 22 September 2013

A new master thesis written by Yuka Heka at the University of Tromsø, Norway explores the relationship between national identity and political opinions of Saharawis.

Published 19 September 2013

A new report documents the discovery of eight executed Sahrawis in Western Sahara. The executions have not previously been known and shed light on Morocco’s secrecy with regard to previous disappearances.

Published 19 September 2013

A new documentary - The Runner - shows the motivation, struggle and history of the Saharawi who is running internationally, inspiring his people. 

Published 18 September 2013

Western Sahara Resource Watch today launched a report on the French oil company Total's irresponsible comeback in occupied Western Sahara. The company carries out exploration in the territory despite the UN legal office stating it would be in violation of international law.

Published 04 September 2013

Western Sahara Resource Watch has today launched a report detailing how Morocco intends to build over 1000 MW (megawatts) of renewable energy plants in Western Sahara, a territory that Morocco partially occupies.

Published 04 September 2013
Our international platform Western Sahara Resource Watch is now on Facebook. Like us!
Published 29 August 2013

Five hopeful Sahrawi youth from the refugee camps were selected on Wednesday 14th of August for a two year International high school education at one of 13 United World Colleges (UWC) around the World.

Published 23 August 2013