Saharawis and Norwegians gathered last night in front of the offices of SeaBird in Oslo to protest against the company's oil exploration in occupied Western Sahara on behalf of Glencore and the Moroccan government.
The seismic survey company SeaBird is currently working offshore occupied Western Sahara on behalf of Glencore and the Moroccan government.
The assignent is clearly in violation of internatioal law, according to the UN former Legal Counsel, who did an opinion on the matter for the UN Security Council. Two dozen demonstrators from Western Sahara and Norway gathered in front of the offices of SeaBird in Oslo on 18 December 2014.
"SeaBird's operations are undermining the UN peace process in Western Sahara", stated Tord Hustveit, leader of the Liberal Youth of Norway, during the event (phto at bottom).
Read more about SeaBird here.
A delegation from the Rafto Foundation was last week expelled from Western Sahara after having talks with local human rights activists over the SeaBird affair.
In a recent published decision of 1 April 2024, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention requested the immediate release of the young Saharawi journalist Khatri Dadda.
The occupying power Morocco, which sabotages the work of the UN Human Rights Council in occupied Western Sahara, has begun its first session after being elected to preside the Council.
Today, Morocco was elected to chair the UN Human Rights Council. The result generated strong reactions.
"The credibility of the UN system is at stake", says the Norwegian Support Committee about this week's election of a new presidency of the Human Rights Council. Norwegian organizations are critical of the candidacy.