Åpent seminar om Vest-Sahara på Fjaler
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Den 16. februar kl 19.00 Auditoriet, UWC Haugland, Fjaler, er det åpent seminar om situasjonen i Vest-Sahara. Hovedinnleder er Raftoprisvinnar 2002, Sidi Mohammed Daddach.
Publisert 13. februar 2007

Ope seminar om Vest-Sahara


A seminar open to the public, in the Auditorium at RCNUWC, Haugland, on Friday evening, February 16th, at 19:00.

A series of short talks, followed by a panel discussion.

The programme:
First Talk: Journalist Anne Torhild Nilsen of Berserk Productions has been a frequent visitor to Western Sahara. She will outline the history of the problem, the politics which today make a solution seem remote, and the position taken by the Norwegian government.

Second Talk:Sidi Mohamed Daddach, winner of the 2002 Rafto Prize, unable to attend Rafto’s 20th anniversary last fall, has had his confiscated passport returned and is in Norway this week. We are fortunate that he can join us. He will share his personal story.

Third Talk:Arne Liljedahl Lynngård, chairman of the Rafto Foundation, will speak about the significance of the Rafto Prize, and tell of his personal experience in Western Sahara.

Panel Discussion:
Questions from the audience will be addressed by a panel consisting of Arne Liljedahl Lynngård, Anne Torhild Nilsen, Mostafa El Harrar (a Moroccan living and teaching in Bergen), Yahiaoui Lamine of Polisaro, Tekber Ahmed Saleh and Mustapha Saleh (the last two Saharawi students at RCNUWC).

Refreshments at 21:00 including sweet Sahara tea.


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