Australia vil be Marokko samarbeide med FN
Marokko bør godta FN-spesialutsendingens arbeid i Vest-Sahara, sier den australske regjeringen.
Publisert 08. juni 2012

I en debatt i det australske senatet 30. mai ba uttrykte australsk UD at de vil be Marokko om å fortsette samtalene med FNs spesialutsending.

Marokko uttrykte i mai sin misnøye med FN-toppens fasilitering av fredssamtalene.

Mr Robilliard (Mr Paul Robilliard, First Assistant Secretary, South and West Asia and Middle East Division in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade):
Yes, we are aware of the comments reported by a Moroccan official that they will not continue to cooperate with Mr Christopher Ross, the United Nations Secretary-General's special envoy on the Western Sahara. We would ask Morocco to seriously consider that decision. The next round of informal talks are due to be held in June. We certainly hope that Morocco will continue that round of informal discussions with Mr Christopher Ross.

Senator RHIANNON: You said that Australia will be asking Morocco to work in this way. When will that advice be conveyed?

Mr Robilliard:
We do not have a fixed appointment with Morocco to convey that advice, but I am sure that we will find an appropriate opportunity to do so.

Senator RHIANNON: What does 'an appropriate opportunity' mean?

Mr Robilliard: It means an occasion that may arise within the context of our discussions in New York, for example.


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