Vest-Saharas president kondolerer
På vegne av det saharawiske folk, sender Vest-Saharas president Mohammed Abdelaziz sine dypeste kondolanser etter terrorangrepene i Norge.
Publisert 24. juli 2011

Brevet nedenfor ble sendt til statsminister Jens Stoltenberg fredag.

H.E. Mr. Jens Stoltenberg
Prime Minister of Norway,

Bir Lehlu, 22 July 2011


We have learnt with dismay and sadness of the deplorable massive explosion that hit the Norwegian capital, Oslo, and the armed attack to the summer camp at Utoya leaving dozens of innocent people killed and injured.

The Saharawi government, people and the Polisario Front strongly condemn this act of terrorism perpetrated against the peaceful people of Norway.

On their behalf and on my own, I would like to express to your Excellency, to the friendly people of Norway and to the families of the victims, our most sincere and deepest condolences for the loss of innocent lives, and to wish the injured a speedy recovery.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Mohamed Abdelaziz,
President of the Sahrawi Arabi Democratic Republic
Secretary-General of the Frente Polisario.


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