Western Sahardrock på Ås
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SAIH-Ås arrangerer Western Sahardrock torsdag 29. oktober kl 20:00 på Texas ved jernbanestasjonen.
Publisert 28. oktober 2009

Les om arrangementet på Facebook-eventen.

We round of our autumn campaign with a night of fantastic music, warm hugs and happy times in general!
The event will be held at Texas (the train station at Ås), and it will be FREEEEE! :D

Bring all your friends!

Snusker du

Snusker Du formed nearly spontaneously when Josh Cabell (mandolin,
vocals) and Andrew Larsen (bass, vocals) met Sjur Tobiassen (guitar,
vocals) at one of his shows in Ski. Blake Wergeland (drums) was in
the audience that night. The four came together almost immediately
and were playing out a week later. The band is made up of three
international MSc students from the U.S., studying at the Norwegian
University of Life Sciences, and one native Norwegian, who teaches
music during the day.

Sjur, who sings and plays guitar has been in various bands as well as
played as a solo "troubador" for many years around Norway. Josh has
played in acoustic bands in the U.S., and most recently, in one as far
afield as Morocco. Andrew played all over the western U.S. for 11
years in various acoustic bands and has worked with some of the great
folk and bluegrass musicians from Nashville to Telluride. Blake was a
founding member of The Plaigarists, a mainstay on the Minneapolis
indie-rock scene which went on to tour the U.S., with radio play on
college music stations, as a signed recording act for Afternoon

But as Snusker Du, the four come together and play rock and roll
covers, new originals, and whatever seems to appear in front of them.
They all enjoy seeing perfect strangers come together in the language
of music. It's fun for them, and they think it's fun for their
audiences--from what they can tell from their places on the stage!

Check out their MySpace page, which has audio
and video clips available to get a sample of what they do.

Eli van der Eynden

Eli van der Eynden er en ung singer-songwriter fra sørlandet. Hun stiller med en god blanding av egne og andres låter og legger alltid igjen en liten bit av sjela på scenen. For øyeblikket prøver hun å bli popstjerne i hovedstaden.

Eli van der Eynden is a young singer-songwriter from the south of Norway. She plays a good combination of her own songs and covers, and always leaves a piece of her soul on stage. At the moment she is trying to become a popstar in the capital.

Check out her MySpace page!


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