Et britisk universitet søker frivillige som arkeologi-assistenter i frigjorte Vest-Sahara.

Her har du sjansen til å få tidenes høstjobb. Ingen erfaring er nødvendig for å bli med i arkeolog-teamet.
Prosjektet, som ledes av University of East Anglia, går ut på å kartlegge Vest-Saharas forhistorie, inkludert klimaendringer. For å være med, trenger du rundt 30.000 kroner.
Dette skriver arrangørene:
The work will be part of the ongoing Western Sahara Project. Volunteers
can opt for one of the following options:
1) 4 weeks (~3 October - 1 November) excavating prehistoric burial monuments under the direction of experienced field archaeologists. The aim of the excavations is to (i) date the monuments, (ii) improve our general understanding of prehistoric populations and funerary practices in this region, and (iii) infer information about diet, mobility and migration in prehistoric populations from trace element analysis of
teeth and bones. Six volunteers are required in total for the excavations.
2) 3 weeks (~10 Octobter - 1 November) of reconnaissance survey work aimed at (i) identifying and recording new archaeological sites, principally burial complexes, and (ii) identifying and sampling key environmental sites for laboratory analysis and the reconstruction of past environments. We are looking for 7-12 volunteers for reconnaissance work.
The ultimate aim of the project is to combine archaeological and environmental data to understand how prehistoric populations responded and adapted to past changes in climate, specifically the desiccation of the Sahara some 5000 years ago.
For mer informasjon, se hjemmesiden
Og se bildene deres på Flickr!
NB! Støttekomiteen for Vest-Sahara har ingen ytterligere informasjon om dette prosjektet, og kan ikke svare på spørsmål. For spørsmål, vennligst kontakt arrangørene.