Takker Norge for Vest-Sahara-bidrag
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I en rapport til Sikkerhetsrådet skryter FNs Generalsekretær Ban Ki-moon av Norges støtte til minerydding i Vest-Sahara.
Publisert 19. april 2009

-Jeg vil gjerne få understreke Norges bidrag for at vi har gjort disse framskrittene fram til nå, skriver Ki-moon til Sikkerhetsrådet.

Norge har de siste årene støttet arbeidet til den den britiske mineryddingsorganisasjonen Landmine Action. Organisasjonen har arbeidet med å rydde opp i miner på østsiden av Marokkos festningsverk.

Udetonerte landminer fortsetter å være et stort problem i Vest-Sahara, 18 år etter at våpenhvilen mellom Marokko og Polisario ble inngått. Bare de siste to ukene, har rundt sju saharawier blitt skadd i to landmineulykker.

Last ned Generalsekretærens rapport til Sikkerhetsrådet, 13 april 2009 her.

Dette skriver Generalsekretæren om mineryddingen:

"I note with satisfaction the increased cooperation and sharing of information between the Mission and the Royal Moroccan Army and the work being done by Landmine Action east of the berm. Those activities have proved to be valuable and relatively inexpensive multipliers in terms of the security and effectiveness of the Mission and have a direct, positive effect on the safety of United Nations personnel. I encourage the parties to continue to work with MINURSO to establish direct cooperation and communication through a joint military verification commission and other forums so as to facilitate their work on mine clearance and other issues of common interest. In order to ensure that this valuable work can continue, as well as the provision by Landmine Action of an emergency capacity for mineaccident response east of the berm, additional support for the United Nations mine action effort in Western Sahara will be required. I would like also to highlight the contributions of Norway to the progress achieved to date."

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