Norwegian-owned ship transported gas to occupied Western Sahara

The Norwegian-owned 'Caroline Theresa' called at two ports in the occupied territories last week.

Published 04 September 2024

The Danish ship 'Caroline Theresa' called at the cities of Dakhla and El Aaiún in occupied Western Sahara with a gas transport from Spain this week. The ship is owned by the Danish shipping company Christiania Shipping, which in turn is Norwegian-owned. 

It is not the first time that Christiania Shipping has carried out such a transport: in 2023 the shipping company carried out a transport with the sister ship 'Cathy Theresa'.

The Norwegian Support Committee for Western Sahara wrote Christiania Shipping on 8 May 2023 and 30 August 2024, 8 May 2023 and 30 August 2024, so far without a reply. The online newspaper TransitMag covered the incident on 30 August. 

The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises against business in the territory, as it helps to support Morocco's occupation.


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